Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Walking Dead Season 2 - Episode 02

Episode 02 - "Bloodletting" Original air date: October 23, 2011

In a flashback to a time before the apocalypse, Shane tells Lori that Rick has been wounded from a highway shootout, and Lori in turn tells Carl. In the present, Carl has been accidentally shot by a hunter named Otis. Otis directs Rick, Shane, and Carl to the home of veterinarian Hershel Greene, who manages to remove one of six bullet fragments. One of Hershel's daughters, Maggie, is sent to Sophia's search party and returns with Lori to the Greene home. Rick gives blood to Carl while Otis and Shane go to the former FEMA aid station at a walker-infested high school to gather urgently needed medical supplies. Dale and T-Dog wait at the RV; Dale fears that T-Dog may have contracted an infection from his injury, and the two search for antibiotics. Shane and Otis find the necessary supplies at the FEMA aid station; however they are forced to barricade themselves in the school's entrance after walkers surround them. 

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The Walking Dead Season 2 - Episode 01

Episode 01 - "What Lies Ahead" Original air date: October 16, 2011

The group heads to Fort Benning, but is blocked by a pileup of vehicles on the interstate and further delayed when the RV blows a radiator hose. A depressed Andrea expresses resentment towards Dale for not being allowed to die in a way of her choosing, since he forced her to save him from the CDC explosion; contrarily, he feels he saved her. Shane tells Lori he has decided to leave the group when he has the chance. The group narrowly avoids most of a herd of walkers passing the pileup, but two of them chase Sophia into the woods. Rick distracts and kills her pursuing walkers, but she goes missing in the process. During a search for Sophia, the group stops at a rural church, at which point Andrea privately asks Shane if she can join him when he leaves the group. As the search continues, Rick, Shane, and Carl come upon a buck; as Carl approaches the animal a gunshot passes through the deer into him. 

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The Walking Dead Season 2 - Complete

The second season begins with Rick and his group of survivors leaving Atlanta. They decide Fort Benning will be their next destination. Along the way, they encounter a traffic jam of abandoned vehicles on I-85. The group loots several vehicles and, as a large horde of walkers approaches, are forced to hide under the vehicles. Carol's daughter, Sophia, chased away from the camp by two of the remaining walkers, runs off into the woods. Carl is accidentally shot during a search for the missing girl. The remaining group deals with interpersonal relationships while various searches for Sophia are performed. Otis, a hunter who shot Carl, leads Rick and Shane to a large, isolated farm owned by a veterinarian named Hershel Greene. The remainder of Rick's group moves to the farm while Carl recovers. The group tries to co-exist alongside Hershel's family, but dangerous secrets and disagreements over leadership cause tensions to rise. Daryl leads the initiative to search for Sophia, and becomes close to Carol as a result. Glenn builds a romantic relationship with Hershel's daughter Maggie and discovers that Hershel's barn is full of walkers, many of whom in life had been Hershel's friends and relatives. When Shane forces the walkers out of the barn and the group opens fire, Sophia appears as one of the undead and Rick shoots her.
The bonds of the group are tested in the aftermath of the showdown at the barn. Carol, in her grief, withdraws, as does Daryl, who claims that the group is "broken." Hershel, reacting to what has happened, orders Rick and his group to leave immediately, before disappearing to grieve for his family. Rick and Glenn go searching for Hershel and discover him drinking heavily in a local tavern. After trying to persuade Hershel to return, two other men enter the bar - survivors from another group. They tell Rick that Fort Benning has been overrun and the two men insist on moving onto Hershel's farm, only to be repeatedly turned down by Rick. The situation rapidly turns violent, and there is a brief, bloody gunfight which leaves the two new survivors dead. The dead men's former group quickly finds and opens fire on Rick, Hershel, and Glenn. The noise of the firefight attracts a large horde of walkers, and in their desperation to get away, the other group of survivors leaves Randall, one of their members, behind. Rick cannot stand the thought of leaving him to be killed by walkers, so the three blindfold him and take him to the farm.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Walking Dead Season 1 - Episode 06

Episode 5 - "TS-19" Original air date: December 5, 2010
 In a flashback to the initial walker outbreak, Shane attempts to move Rick out of the hospital but is unable to do so because of soldiers executing the hospital staff and walkers breaking into the building. Thinking Rick is dead, all Shane can do is barricade Rick's door and flee the hospital. In the present, the group enjoys an ephemeral normality amid the comforts of hot showers and wine. A drunk Shane seeks to defend his past actions to Lori, telling her that he had been certain that Rick was dead. He tries to force himself on her sexually but she fights him off. The next morning, Dr. Jenner explains to the group, using a computer model called Test Subject 19, the process in the brain that takes place when a person is bitten and then partially revived as a walker. Subsequently the group discovers that a timer in the lab is counting down to the exhaustion of the building's power supply and that when it hits zero the building will "decontaminate" by self-destructing. Dr. Jenner locks them in, telling them that such an end is humane, and their deaths will be swift and painless. The group, however, believes they can survive, and attempts to break out. Rick convinces Jenner to release them; Jenner does so and tells him something inaudible before the group flees. One of the members, Jacqui, tells them she will stay no matter what, and die with Jenner. Andrea chooses the same fate, but Dale says if she stays then he will stay and eventually convinces her to leave with them. Carol gives Rick a grenade she found in his clothes when she was doing laundry, and they blow up one of the windows and narrowly escape the building before it explodes, and then proceed to drive off. 

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The Walking Dead Season 1 - Episode 05

Episode 5 - "Wildfire" Original air date: November 28, 2010
While the dead are being buried, Andrea remains protective of Amy's body until it reawakens as a walker, whereupon Andrea then apologizes and kills Amy again. Jim reveals that he was bitten by a walker in the fight, and the living members of the group decide to take him to the CDC, though there are signs of conflict between Shane and Rick, as Shane believes the trip to the CDC is a dead end. One family from the group splits away, deciding to return home to Birmingham, Alabama, and the remaining members depart for the CDC. On the way there, while making repairs to the RV, Jim decides he wants the group to leave him so he can be reunited with his dead family (either figuratively in the hereafter or, perhaps, literally as a walker). The group continues on, arriving at the CDC building, where a scientist, Edwin Jenner, who isolated himself while running tests on the walker virus, has just lost his only virus test sample and is considering suicide. When the group prepares to leave, thinking the building is empty, Rick notices the camera moving and begs for his group to be allowed in. The doors open as the group of survivors looks on, astonished.

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The Walking Dead Season 1 - Episode 04

Episode 04 - "Vatos" Original air date: November 21, 2010

While still in search of Merle, the group tries to retrieve the bag of guns that Rick had dropped on his previous visit to Atlanta. However, the group is attacked by several living Latino men who also seek the weapons. The group manages to grab an injured attacker, but several other attackers escape in a vehicle, taking Glenn with them as a hostage. After interrogating their own hostage, Rick and the others learn the location of their attackers' hideout, and head there hoping to make a prisoner trade. They are rebuffed by the Latinos, who demand the bag of guns along with a prisoner exchange. The threat of bloodshed is avoided when an elderly woman (the grandmother of one of the Latinos) disrupts the confrontation. Grimes and his men realize that the "thug" image their hosts portray is just a protective front. The Latino "gang" is made up of former employees of a hidden nursing home within which many of its elderly inhabitants are hiding. Rick leaves them some of the guns and the men exchange prisoners and depart. Upon leaving, they discover their van is missing and conclude that Merle has stolen it. Back at camp, a large group of walkers ventures up the hill and takes the survivors by surprise. Several members are killed, including Andrea's younger sister Amy, and Carol's husband Ed. Rick and the rescuers return to camp just in time to kill the remaining walkers.

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The Walking Dead Season 1 - Episode 03

Episode 03 -  "Tell It to the Frogs" Original air date: November 14, 2010
 Returning to the camp with the department store survivors, Rick has an emotional reunion with his wife and son. Soon afterwards however, despite encountering a walker near camp, Rick decides to go against Shane's advice and return to Atlanta to retrieve Merle Dixon and the bag Rick had dropped in the street when surrounded by zombies, which contained guns and a walkie-talkie he needs to warn Morgan against going to Atlanta. Rick is accompanied by Merle's upset and distrusting younger brother Daryl Dixon as well as Glenn and T-Dog. Lori warns Shane to stay away from her family now that Rick has returned. Rick's return is a surprise, since Shane had told her Rick had died in the hospital. Tensions run high in the camp between a woman, Carol, and her abusive husband, Ed. A fight breaks out when Ed hits Carol and threatens the other women, and Shane takes out his anger on Ed by nearly beating him to death. The rescue team makes it to Atlanta and, once they are on the department store roof, they discover a hacksaw, Merle's dismembered hand, and blood on his handcuffs, but he is nowhere to be found. 

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The Walking Dead Season 1 - Episode 02

Episode 2 "Guts" Original air date: November 7, 2010

Rick escapes from the tank aided by Glenn, the voice he had heard over the radio. Rick and Glenn meet up with Glenn's friends, a scavenging team of survivors that is a subset of the larger group that includes Lori, Carl, and Shane. Glenn's friends inform him that Rick's shooting spree has brought their hideout in a department store to the attention of the walkers. Emotions run high in the group, particularly between a black man, T-Dog, and an unhinged person, Merle Dixon, which leads Rick to handcuff Merle to a pipe on the store's roof. As the walkers attempt to break into the previously safe store, brief radio contact is made with Shane and Lori's group who, unaware of Rick's presence, decide they are unable to help. Rick and Glenn hatch an escape plan and execute it by covering themselves in a "terminated" walker's blood and guts (to mask their scent as they move amongst the walkers), and making their way to a box truck. Glenn draws the walkers' attention away from the store by racing around in a Dodge Challenger and sounding its alarm. The group escapes the city, along with Glenn, leaving Merle chained to the pipe on the roof after T-Dog trips over a bag of tools and accidentally drops the handcuff key down a drain.

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The Walking Dead Season 1 - Episode 01

"Days Gone Bye" - Original air date: October 31, 2010

Sheriff's Deputy Rick Grimes is walking around a gas station parking lot looking for fuel. He finds a young girl walking through the gas station who turns out to be a zombie. He shoots her in the head as she approaches him. The show then flashes back to when he is critically wounded in a vicious gunfight and slips into a coma. He later awakens in an abandoned hospital to find a world occupied by the walking dead. Grimes finds his way home, only to discover that his wife Lori and their young son Carl have disappeared. He is upset and delusional, but encounters a father and son, Morgan and Duane Jones, who have holed up in a neighbor's house on Rick's street, and learns that the CDC has set up a quarantine zone in Atlanta, Georgia. Rick departs for Atlanta in order to track down his family, leaving Morgan and Duane with some weapons and a police walkie-talkie, which he will broadcast periodically to at dawn to inform them of his location. Elsewhere, Lori has begun a romantic relationship with Rick's old partner and best friend, Shane Walsh (who has told her Rick is dead), and along with Carl and a small band of other survivors, is in hiding in a rural area outside Atlanta. Rick arrives in Atlanta and is set upon by an enormous horde of "walkers". He survives by slipping into a tank and sealing himself inside. An unknown person sends a transmission to the tank's radio, saying "Hey you, dumbass. Yeah, you in the tank. Cozy in there?" 

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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Walking Dead Season 1 - Complete

The series begins with sheriff's deputy Rick Grimes waking up from a coma in an abandoned and badly damaged hospital. Leaving the hospital, Rick discovers a post-apocalyptic world overrun with zombies (or "walkers", as they are often referred to in-show). Rick also discovers his wife and son are missing. Acting on a rumor from a fellow survivor, he arms himself and begins a perilous journey to Atlanta, Georgia, where the CDC is said to have set up a quarantined safe-zone in the city. Upon reaching Atlanta, he soon discovers the city has instead been overrun by the walkers.
A few miles outside the city, Rick's wife Lori and son Carl have been hiding from the walkers with Shane Walsh, Rick's partner and best friend, who has fallen in love with Lori. They have established a camp with a small group of fellow survivors. After being rescued from Atlanta by members of the group and reunited with Lori and Carl, Rick assumes command with Shane. A band of walkers eventually attacks the camp and kills several people. The remainder flee to seek aid from the CDC.
In the CDC, all but one staff member, Dr. Edwin Jenner, have either fled or committed suicide. Dr. Jenner explains that his research into the infection has not yielded a cure, and he has not been in contact with anyone for a long while. Lack of fuel for the emergency generators soon initiates the building's safety protocols, which will trigger an explosion designed to destroy the facility and prevent the escape of deadly diseases. Jenner and Jacqui, a member of Rick's group, decide to stay and end their struggle. Dr. Jenner whispers something into Rick's ear, and the group escapes just as the CDC is incinerated in the explosion.